Is Health Coaching the best job in the world?


It is if you love healthy food, and love helping others to learn to eat well! Let me explain. Prevention isn’t a place where governments put a lot of money when it comes to health – mainly because they are too busy putting out the fires of the many people who suffer chronic health conditions (many associated with a lifetime of poor diet choices).

Here in New Zealand, we have some alarming statistics when it comes to the health of our population. Thinking about this, and how to change this situation can feel overwhelming, but realising that change is best effected when you have support is what lead me to grow a network of health coaches throughout New Zealand, taking a food-first approach to healthy futures.

If you feel the same as me, and you recognise that food is our foundation for long term health, then please read on – I have some important things to share that might interest you.

In our country, our food culture and traditions have had many influences. We have lost many of the traditions of our forebears, and replaced them with a fast food culture (not always fast-food from food outlets, but even the way we think about how long a meal should take to prepare – not long in NZ!) We have a history of long work hours (compared with many other countries), and this, combined with our preference for being out of the home doing things rather than in it has meant that there is little time left for food provisioning, preparation and storage.

In many ways, this has allowed for a dynamic life experience for many, which is great, but our health is clearly suffering.

Many visitors to our country are surprised by how often we buy our meals out rather than make them and also by how many food outlets we have. At Taste Success, it’s not our mission statement to make people’s lives less exciting, but it is our commitment to help people have a better structure and routine around food for themselves and their families.

Do this test for yourself:

How many meals do you buy out in the next fortnight (without changing what you would normally do). It’s an interesting exercise, and certainly makes you think (as it costs quite a bit too!).

If you have a good home-based food provisioning and preparation routine, then this is great news! You will be tending to eat more wholefoods, with more variety and less processing and additives.

If you’re a parent, having your kids see you spend time preparing food from scratch teaches them what is normal, and also some skills that they will take forward with them in life.

Our Taste Success programmes are all about creating good, simple routines around food. We get people back in the kitchen in an easy way, with leftovers for lunches the next day, and easy recipes that families can enjoy. The foundation of our programmes and coaching is loving kindness, i.e. meeting people where they are at, and mentoring them as they get into a good food-groove at home. And – they love it! Thousands of people have now benefitted from working one-to-one with a Taste Success health coach. Our programmes are designed by a Naturopath with a drive for food culture change in NZ. Our team are a growing network of people who love inspiring and motivating their communities. We have developed a large set of resources that our coaches use to drive this shift in food choice. We love talking about food for health, food for prevention, food for life.

If you love this too, why not give us a call? You might just find yourself in the best job in the world!

Ingrid Mulder