Features from Facilitators

Georgia McArthur

Georgia McArthur

Growing up obese

It's not always easy to understand what it can be like to grow up obese when you haven’t experienced it yourself. I'll share some of the social issues I have experienced.

A little about me; I grew up morbidly obese in a loving but obesogenic environment. Losing weight was taboo. I dreamed of the day when I would leave home and lose weight.

Not all these experiences will apply to your clients but having an idea of what it can be/feel like in an obese body from a young age may give you some insight.

  • Using a seat belt in a car, the worry it wouldn't be big enough and then what? I would pretend in a car I had it on. I remember being caught not being able to do my seat belt by a friend and she just shook her head, like I was doing it to be 'naughty.'

  • Going into clothing stores knowing the only thing you could fit were the sunglasses and earrings. I would avoid this situation at all costs.

  • I stopped playing netball as the largest skirt had to be ordered in and was going to be a different hue to the rest of the team also the bibs didn't tie up. I would lie awake worried people would notice.

  • The looks, comments and well meaning advice. At a large celebration dinner for my dad's work I was walking to the buffet with my family and a man yelled out ' hey, I think she has already had enough!' I was about 11 years old. Walking home I would have strangers yell insults at me from their cars, this started when I was just a kid. A common taunt was 'beached whale' and 'You fat b****.'

This is just the tip of the iceberg BUT things can change and I'm stronger for my experiences….I'm not religious but hold this quote close to my heart "Forgive them, for they know not what they do,’' Luke 23:34.

The take away to consider is that the changes you are asking your weightloss focused clients to make are often intertwined with emotional baggage. Kindness and acceptance is required as we walk this path with them.

Georgie McArthur, 70kg + weight loss.